Sunday, May 1, 2011


            It has been a month and a half since I have posted. At home the foundation kept falling apart and I couldn’t find enough materials to sew everything back up. I will not give up on this yet. I will try to be more consistent and prepare meals and post my thoughts on it and how it tasted, along with information about Diabetes that I receive or manage to find. I would like to make this a more amazing read and will include anecdotes from my family’s struggle with diabetes. Hence, why I am contemplating using a picture of myself but I am leaning more of trying to find a drawing or to try to create a drawing of myself, maybe in chibi form. I just hope to keep busy with projects and hobbies so as not to think too much.
            Things are going to be a little different. I will no longer be using the recipe book that I started out with. It’s only because I fear some legal repercussions and I am too poor to be sued. The recipe’s I find will come from this magazine called “Outsmart Diabetes.” This issue contains some “diabetes’s friendly recipe’s.” It seems to be a decent magazine with some interesting articles that I will mention but not go into great detail. It will be up to the reader to look up the info or to get the magazine.
Now 4 tips:
-          Sleep
o   We all need sleep. I believe 8 hours is the required amount. Some of us can function on less sleep, lucky bastards, but the rest of us need our glorious 8 hours so we aren’t cranky and irritable. Sleep also helps speed up your metabolism and gives you more energy.
-          Water
o   Eight glasses of water a day will help with weight loss and diabetes. First find out how much water will be a healthy amount for you but at least six glasses a day should be fine.
-          Fat
o   A healthy amount of fat is good for your body. Speak with your doctor to find which ones are good for you and if you want share it with me.
-          Exercise
o   If you are diabetic it helps keep blood sugar in check. If you purchase the magazine “Outsmart Diabetes” they have some exercises one can do.

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